Appendix B
Revision 1
Sex Discrimination
The Partners, employees and other persons engaged to work on behalf of the Company will not: –
- Discriminate against a man or woman on the grounds of their sex or sexual orientation.
The Partners, employees and other persons engaged to work on behalf of the Company will treat as equal.
- All women and men in the employment of the Company.
- All women or all men engaged to work on behalf of the Company.
- All women or men who do not work for the Company i.e. the general public.
Disabled Persons
It is the policy of Wood & Laycock, its Partners to consider the employment of disabled persons where and when practicable.
However the Company scope of work does involve high risk activities such as
- Manual Handling
- Heavy Loads
- Use of Machinery
- Mechanical plant operating.
- Working with power tools.
- Working with hazardous substances and materials.
Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and other relevant legislation, the Company has a duty to provide:-
- A safe place of work as is reasonably practicable.
- A place of work as free of risk as is reasonably practicable.
The Partners will consider any disabled applicant depending on the work scope vacancy.
Where and when the Partners have to decline employment of a disabled person it will have been done solely on the grounds of the Company assessing the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 duty of care to employees and that of not placing such a disabled person at risk.
Equal Opportunities
The Partners will abide by the European Communities Act of 1972 section 2 (2a) and (2b) which came into force on the 19 July 2003.
Equal treatment of all employees irrespective of age, sexual orientation, sex, ethnic origin or disability will be ensured.
No employee or person applying for employment with the Company will be subjected to direct or indirect discrimination, harassment or bullying by any other person employed by the Company. This includes management, employees or other persons engaged to work on behalf of the Company.
The Equal Opportunities Act of 1972 will be implemented within the Company at the very first stage of workforce recruitment.
Each advertisement will clearly define the full job description, required qualifications and experience required for the vacancy. The advertisement will clearly outline that applications will be accepted from a person of any age, gender, ethnic origin or disability.
The Partners will identify a short list from all the applications received. Those persons identified on the short list will be invited to attend an interview conducted by the Partners.
Each person interviewed will be given an equal opportunity to convince the interviewer that he/she is the one most suitable for the vacancy and one who will assist the Company and its clients’ expectations regarding to the quality of product and service provision, health and safety and environmental issue performance.
The Partners will, from the applicants freely given information, make an assessment as to whether the applicant is in good health to undertake the vacancy or that the health of the applicant could be further jeopardised as a result of being offered the vacant position.
The Partners will reserve the right not to offer any applicant employment with the Company solely if they believe:-
- The health of the applicant could be further impaired.
- Non – compliance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and other relevant legislation appertaining to the Company scope of work.
- The fitness and physique of the applicant is in doubt with regarding fulfilling the vacancy.
During their time of employment all employees, without prejudice to their age, gender, ethnic origin or disability, will be given an equal opportunity of promotion within the Company. Promotion will be implemented on merit and no consideration given to age, sexual orientation, sex, ethnic origin or disability.
The Partners consider training is a major factor regarding achieving compliance with the health and safety requirements along with issues relating to quality provision and the environmental controls required of the Company. All employees will be given the same opportunity for advancement in the Company by way of training provision.
Each employee will be accepted as an equal and an important individual within a team working together to ensure that all persons, other workers and the general public are safe during the Company scope of work carried out on a daily basis.
The Partners will investigate any complaint made by an employee who considers he or she is being treated unfairly, not given an equal opportunity, not given equal training opportunity etc. The employee making the claim will be interviewed and on conclusion of the investigation, issued with a full report of the findings. Should it be proved that an equal
opportunity has not been given to the complainant, remedial action will be fully implemented immediately by the Partner’s.
The same procedures will be adopted for any complaint received of racial abuse, bullying or intimidation by one or more employees towards another employee/s.
October 1 2006, the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations made it unlawful to discriminate against workers, employees, job seekers and trainees because of their age.
The Regulations make it unlawful on the grounds of age to:-
- Discriminate directly against anyone – i.e. to treat them less favourably than others because of their age (unless objectively justified).
- Discriminate indirectly against anyone – i.e. to apply criteria provision or practice which disadvantages people of a particular age – unless it can be objectively justified.
- Subject someone to harassment.
- Victimise someone because they have made or intend to make a complaint or allegation or have given or intend to give evidence in relation to a complaint of discrimination on grounds of age.
- Discriminate against someone, in certain circumstances, after the relationship has ended.
It is therefore the Company policy not to discriminate either directly or indirectly, harass or victimise anyone on the grounds of age prior to an employment relationship beginning, throughout employment and after that employment relationship has ended.
In specific circumstances and in accordance with the Regulations, the Company its Partners, may use a lawful exception or exemption or a genuine occupational requirement.
Employment Recruitment
Advertising will be placed in a cross section of relevant media to attract candidates of all ages. Adverts will not contain wording or images that may suggest a preference for candidates of a specific age.
Application forms will not ask for a person’s age or date of birth. Requirement for relevant experience in a particular role will be kept to the minimum necessary and will be objectively justified.
Marriage and Civil Partnership
It is the policy of the Company its Partners not to discriminate against any person regardless of their martial state i.e. marriage in civil partnership to a member of opposite or same sex.
The Partners will not allow or condone any discrimination of such by either the Partners, employees or other workers engaged by the Company.
Pregnancy and maternity
It is the policy of the Company its Partners not to discriminate against any woman in their time of pregnancy, maternity or illness suffered by her as a result of the pregnancy and a woman of reasons related to her right to exercise her entitlement to statutory maternity leave or the right to breast feed whilst at work within the period of 26 weeks from date of birth
The Partners will not allow or condone any discrimination of such by Partners, employees or other workers engaged by the Company.
Any employee found or suspected of discrimination against another person or persons will be disciplined under the Company disciplinary procedures.
When disciplinary action is taken against an employee it will be carried out as per Company written disciplinary procedures and employment law requirements. All disciplinary actions will it be recorded and a copy issued to the offender.
The Partners will ensure that employee rights under the Equality and Diversity Act 2010 are adhered to and will engage the services of professionally qualified persons or organisations to assist as required.
D Wood A Laycock
Partner Partner
Date 01 April 2018
Appendix C
Revision 0
The following statement sets out the Company’s policy with respect to any employee who during or before commencement of work is unable to perform any part of their duties in a safe manner as a result of taking drugs or alcohol.
The Partners have taken into account the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 1971.
Provided that employees adhere to the provisions of this policy they will normally be able to demonstrate compliance with the same.
Company training and instruction programmes for all employees will ensure that they are made aware of this policy statement and must familiarise themselves with its contents. Doing so will enable each employee to understand the implication of not complying with this statement.
The Partners, as a responsible employer i.e. one that undertakes such measures as is reasonably practicable with respect to the safety of its employees, gives the following notice to each and every employee:-
- If under the influence or effect of alcohol or drugs, do not report for work.
- Alcohol or drugs must not be consumed whilst at work.
- There must be no possession or dealing of drugs or alcohol whilst at work.
- Employees must report to the Partners any prescribed or purchased drugs over the counter which are likely to affect performance at work. All drugs carry information as to how they may possibly affect a person e.g. may cause drowsiness, do not drive.
The Partners who suspect or believe that an employee is under the influence of drugs or alcohol either when reporting for work or whilst at work, will suspend the employee and undertake an investigation.
The Partners will not allow training or train any employee they believe or suspect is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
The Partners will notify each employee where and when they suspect/believe an employee is under the influence of/taking drugs or alcohol. When reporting for or whilst at work the Company reserves the right, with the employee’s permission, to undertake a drug or alcohol test on that employee. A competent person from the Company approved supplier list will undertake such a drug or alcohol test.
Any employee found not to be complying with the policy and Company safety rules or procedures will have disciplinary action taken against them.
Such action could amount to the employee or employees’ dismissal.
This policy statement will also adhere to contractors engaged to work on behalf of the Company. If any direct labour person or a person employed by another contractor is found not to be complying with this policy, he or she will be suspended from the site works and disciplinary action taken against such a person or persons.
The Partners will endeavour to support an employee or employees so dismissed, as may be reasonably practicable, in his or her rehabilitation. If a medically qualified person proved the success of any such rehabilitation beyond any reasonable doubt then the Partners may consider that such a person or persons capable of being re-instated as an employee.
Total compliance with this policy is a condition of employment or engagement along with the consent to any drugs or alcohol screening that may be required of any employee by the Company its Partners.
D Wood A Laycock
Partner Partner
Date 01 April 2018
Appendix D
Revision 0
This policy has been developed to protect all employers, service users, customers and visitors from exposure to second hand smoke and to assist compliance with the Health Act 2006.
Exposure to second hand smoke increases the risk of lung cancer, heart disease and other serious illnesses. Ventilation or separating smokers and non-smokers within the same airspace does not completely stop potentially dangerous exposure.
It is the policies of Wood & Laycock, that the workplace is smoke free and all employees have a right to work in a smoke free environment. Smoking is prohibited in all enclosed and substantially enclosed premises in the workplace and Company vehicles.
This policy applies to all employees, consultants, contractors, customers and visitors.
Overall responsibility for policy implementation and review rests with the Partners. However, all employees and contractors are obliged to adhere to and support the implementation of the policy. The Company will inform all existing employees, contractors, consultants and visitors of the policy and their role in the implementation and monitoring of the policy. They will also give all new personnel a copy of the policy on recruitment/induction.
Appropriate ‘no-smoking’ signs will be clearly displayed at the entrances to and within the premises and in all smoke free vehicles.
Local disciplinary procedures will be followed if an employee does not comply with this policy. Those who do not comply with the smoke free law may also be liable to a fixed penalty fine and possible criminal prosecution.
The NHS offers a range of free services to help smokers give up. Visit or call the NHS Smoking Help-line on 0800 169 0 169 for details. Alternatively you can text ‘GIVE UP’ and your full postcode to 88088 to find your local NHS Stop Smoking Service.
D Wood A Laycock
Partner Partner
Date 01 April 2018
Appendix E
Revision 0
The Partners realise that all human activities are beset by uncertainty and what will happen in the future and how people will react to events are essentially unknown variables.
However as a responsible Company, one that believes in customer care and Company self preservation, the Partners have realised that contingency measures have to be undertaken, in order that the Company can/will meet, contain and survive any unknown variable that may occur, for example:
Relatively Predictable Threat
- Regular flooding
- Fire/Arson
- Power Failure
- Plant and equipment failure
- Theft of key equipment
- Foreseen disease epidemic
The Partners have assessed such threats and have put the following series of control measures in place to eliminate or control such threats.
- Fire risk assessments and fire precaution equipment and emergency evacuation measures, drill training etc to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable to do so that site works and its employees are safeguarded.
- Designating key personnel for key duties such as liaison with the emergency services, fire controller and fire wardens.
- Vehicles, plant and equipment keys removed and safely secured.
- Regular servicing/.maintenance of vehicle, plant and equipment.
- Regular replacement of old vehicles with new ones.
- The collection of management and operatives from their home base to site works, in the event of transport emergencies or difficulties.
Unpredictable Threats
- Flash flooding, freak weather, earth movements
- Terrorist attacks, direct or indirect
- Civil emergencies
- Transport emergencies
- Loss of vital services such as power, water, sewage disposal
- Un-anticipated breakdown of key equipment
- Sudden death or incapacity of key staff
- Assaults on staff
- Contamination by chemicals, ionising radiation, or other substances dangerous to health
- Major and rapid disease epidemic
- Sabotage (including computer hacking)
- War and unrest in previously stable regions
The Partners realise that any random incidents that are entirely unpredictable can develop from an emergency into a disaster and with this in mind the Partners have undertaken and implemented the following contingency measures to eliminate or control such threats.
- Financially insure against fire, arson, malicious damage and flood.
- Implement control measures to assist the Company recovery in the event any such threat becoming a reality.
- Ensure all Company vital financial and operating systems held on computers etc are backed up on a daily basis and such data is removed at the end of the working day and placed in charge of the designated responsible Partner.
- Partners’ key work activities are responsibility shared.
- Adequate and sufficient training of operatives is given to undertake their respective work remit.
- Ensure adequate and sufficient number of operatives, are assigned to manage and maintain the disaster plan by periodically holding management review meetings that will include the plan.
The Partners cannot guard against or be certain that such a threat would/will not happen. However, the measures implemented by the Partners, will ensure that in the event of a disaster (apart from a conventional or nuclear war that was undertaken on the soil of the British isles) the Company would/will survive and be in a position to quickly recover and continue to provide a quality product and service expected by the client.
D Wood A Laycock
Partner Partner
Date 01 April 2018
Appendix F
Revision 1
DATA PROTECTION POLICY – General Data Protection Regulations 2018
Wood & Laycock, the Company and its Partners need to collect, retain and use certain types of information about employees, clients, sub-contractors and suppliers who come into contact with the Company. This personal information will be accessible by the Partners and designated employees only.
Such information will be collected, recorded and used by the Partners whether on hard copy paper, in a computer, or recorded on other material and dealt with in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and The General Data Protection Regulations 2018
The Partners regard the lawful and correct treatment of personal information as most important and therefore will ensure that such personal information is treated lawfully and correctly. To this end the Partners fully endorse and will adhere to the principles of data protection, as detailed in the Data Protection Act 1998 and The General Data Protection Regulations 2018.
The principles specifically require that:-
- Personal information shall be processed fairly and lawfully and in particular, shall not be processed unless specific conditions are met.
- Personal information shall be obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purposes and shall not be further processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or those purposes.
- Personal information shall be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose for which they are processed.
- Personal information shall be accurate and where necessary, kept up to date.
- Personal information shall not be kept longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes.
- Personal information shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under the Act.
- Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful, processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data.
- Personal information shall not be transferred to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection for the rights and freedoms of data subjects in relation to the processing of personal data.
The Partners will, through appropriate management and strict application of criteria and controls ensure the following is adhered to:-
- Observe fully conditions regarding the fair collection and use of information.
- Meet its legal obligations to specify the purposes for which information is used.
- Collect and process appropriate information and only to the extent that is needed to fulfil operational needs or to comply with any legal requirements.
- Ensure the quality of information used.
- Ensure that the rights of people about whom information is held, can be fully exercised under the act (these include: the right to be informed that processing is being undertaken, the right of access to one’s personal information, the right to prevent processing in certain circumstances and the right to correct, rectify, block or erase information which is regarded as wrong information)
- Take appropriate technical and organisational security measures to safeguard personal information.
- Treat people justly and fairly whatever their age, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation or ethnicity when dealing with requests for information.
In addition the Company its Partners, will ensure that:-
- There is someone with specific responsibility for Data Protection.
- Persons who manage and handle personal information understand that they are contractually responsible for following good data protection practice.
- Persons who manage and handle personal information are appropriately trained to do so.
- Employees, who manage and handle personal information is appropriately supervised by the Partners.
- Queries about handling personal information are promptly and courteously dealt with.
- Methods/procedures of handling personal information are clearly described by the Partners.
- A breach of the Company rules and procedures identified in this Policy as an employee may lead to disciplinary action being taken.
- A breach of the Company rules and procedures identified in this policy by an employee is a potential breach of the Code of Conduct.
The Partners will update this policy as necessary to reflect best practice in data management, security and control to ensure compliance with any changes or amendments made to the Data Protection Act 1998 and The General Data Protection Regulations 2018 .
D Wood A Laycock
Partner Partner
Date 01 April 2018
Appendix G
Revision 0
The Partners, recognise the importance of environmental protection and is committed to its caring of. This goal will be achieved at all levels within operations through the assessment of the environmental impact of activities, products and services and any necessary re- mediation.
The setting of environmental objectives and targets will provide the framework upon which Company environmental performance may be evaluated. In addition the Partners are committed to continual improvement and the prevention of pollution, including procedures, where appropriate, to ensure they exceed compliance with relevant environmental legislation, regulations and other industry specific requirements.
The Partners, acknowledge that the efficient use of energy and raw materials are major issues to be considered within its activities as well as the conscious disposal and removal of its waste. Therefore it is part of Company policy to pay specific attention to these matters in order to reduce the loss of natural resources and also to promote the efficient use of resources and appropriate maintenance of equipment. Such actions will directly affect the design process and will take environmental considerations into account. The use of renewable sources of energy will be considered where it is appropriate to do so.
The prevention of environmental incidents is an important consideration and suitable training will be given to all employees to ensure the Company’s work activities are inherently safe in the use for which they are designed and also in the environmental context.
The Partners will foster environmental awareness and understanding on all its employees, suppliers, customers, sub contractors and the general public.
This policy will be reviewed and updated as necessary from time to time and communicated to all employees. It will be available to the public and any interested parties on request.
D Wood A Laycock
Partner Partner
Date 01 April 2018
Appendix H
Revision 0
The Partners of Wood & Laycock, will:-
- Ensure that the Company, its Partners comply with and exceed where practicable, all applicable legislation, regulations and codes of practice.
- Integrate sustainability considerations into all business decisions.
- Ensure that all employees are fully aware of the Company’s Sustainability Policy and are committed to implementing and improving it.
- Minimise the impact on sustainability of all office, work and transportation activities.
- Make clients and suppliers aware of the Sustainability Policy and encourage them to adopt sound sustainable management practices.
- Review, annually report and continually strive to improve sustainability performance.
- Include a copy of the Sustainable Policy in all clients correspondence.
- Ensure that any associates that are employed take account of sustainable issues in their advice to clients.
The Partners will implement this Sustainable Policy in conjunction with its Environment and Disaster Policies.
D Wood A Laycock
Partner Partner
Date 01 April 2018
Appendix I
Revision 0
Anti Corruption Bribery Policy Application
The Partners will maintain the highest level of ethical standards in the conduct of its business affairs. The actions and conduct of the Partners and employees as well as those acting on behalf of the Company, are essential to maintain these standards. The Partners will make its clients, suppliers, other contractors and any other person or persons as may be required of the Company policy.
The Partners are aware that the United Kingdom and many other countries have adopted and enforce laws prohibiting the payment of bribes for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business opportunities in both the public and private sectors and will therefore adhere to such laws by way of: –
- Conducting Company business in compliance with the highest professional and ethical standards.
- Prohibiting any Company finances for any unlawful, improper or unethical purpose.
- Ensuring no authorisation is given to promise or give advantage, tolerate, encourage or make any prohibited payments regardless of the amount, for the purpose of obtaining or maintaining Company business.
- Ensuring no authorisation is given to make any prohibited promise or payment or gifts made in any manner, such as through any other party.
- Not either directly or indirectly give or agree to give, offer or receive, any money, gift or thing of value to or from any other government body, company Partner, proprietor, or employee as an inducement or reward for favourable action or forbearance from action or the exercise of influence.
- Other than in extraordinary and exceptional circumstances, make payment to any part or its representative may be made in cash or other than by wire transfer or cheque to a bank account in such part’s or representative name in the country where the party or representatives name in the country where the party or representative regularly delivers service to the Company.
- Ensuring all Company corporate records for which employees are responsible for accurately reflect and are a fair presentation of the activities they record and reflect the nature and purpose of the activity.
- Ensuring no false or inaccurate entries are made in records for any reason.
- Ensuring before proceeding with any contract or other arrangement with any other person, the mandatory process must be followed with regards to the standard procedures of procurement and contract generation procedures.
- Ensuring at all times due diligence is conducted and appropriate sign off from the legal and finance is carried out.
When conducting business the Partners will make themselves aware that in order that compliance is achieved, they must ensure they do not conduct business with
or such as:-
- Close family, personal or business ties that may be offered by others.
- Knowingly agree to do business with other persons convicted of corruption.
- Make or request cash payments or other unusual payment arrangements for any favour.
- Request for reimbursement of extraordinary or vague payment for favours.
- Agree to any over – invoicing or lack of standard invoices and refusal by any person to certify that it will not take any action in furtherance of a corrupt payment.
In the event that any such situation arose the Partners will seek guidance from their legal representative or by using the designated contacts.
The Partners will encourage any person to report any suspected or actual (whether or not based on personal knowledge) instances of non-compliance with this Policy.
The Partners under any circumstance will not take retaliatory action against any employee reporting possible impropriety.
D Wood A Laycock Partner Partner
Date 01 April 2018
Appendix J
Revision 0
United Kingdom England and Wales and Northern Ireland
Fraud Act 2006
Company Fraud Policy
The Partners are aware that fraud is a criminal offence and in criminal law is deemed as an intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage another individual.
Therefore the Partners, will not commit or knowingly allow employees or contractors working for Wood & Laycock or against a client, an insurance company, a supplier, another employee or contractor working on behalf of the Company or a member of the general public whom the Company is working for.
The Partners will, where they suspect or know that an employee is committing or has committed an act of fraud against or on behalf of Wood & Laycock or against a client, an insurance company, a supplier, another employee or contractor working on behalf of the Company, instigate an internal investigation – if necessary assisted by external sources, depending on the suspected or known type and nature of the fraud.
According to the Fraud Act 2006 such fraud may be: –
- Benefit fraud whilst in Company employment.
- Counterfeiting of currency, documents or valuable goods that belong to the Company or its clients’ or suppliers’.
- Embezzlement of Company finances.
- False billing the Company or a client.
- Falsifying insurance claims on behalf of the Company or house owner worked for forgery of Company, clients’, insurance companies’, suppliers’ documents or signatures.
- Identity theft of Company employees, clients, insurance companies, suppliers or other contractors working on behalf of the Company.
- Tax fraud.
Where the investigation undertaken confirms beyond any reasonable doubt that a fraud has been committed, and depending on the nature and type of fraud it will be dealt with internally, according to the Company disciplinary procedures, and any criminal charges will be brought about by external authorities.
Company Internal Procedures When a Fraudulent Act is Suspected
The Partners require and expect employees who suspect irregularities have occurred or are likely to occur, to inform a Partner. Such reported irregularities will be thoroughly investigated by the board of Partners.
The normal sequence of events, should an irregularity be suspected by an employee or employees, will be as follows.
If a employee or employees suspect an irregularity has occurred or is likely to occur, they should report this to a Partner.
All concerns reported will be treated in confidence and fully investigated. If anonymity is requested, every effort will be made to ensure such confidentially is achieved.
The Partners to whom the concerns are expressed will take prompt action and the reporting employee or employees will be quickly notified of any actions taken. Where action is not considered appropriate, the employee or employees will be advised how to pursue the matter formally.
Employees should be aware that, if a suspicion is reported and results in a disciplinary action or prosecution hearing, their involvement as a witness in such processes may be necessary, unless other substantial reliable evidence is made available.
Employees are also advised that there is a need to ensure that the investigative process is not misused, Therefore any abuse, such as raising unfounded or malicious allegations, may be dealt with as a disciplinary matter in itself. This should not deter employees from raising genuine concerns (even if subsequently unfounded but made with good intent) as in so doing they will be supported in every possible way.
Residential House Owners for Whom Work is Being Carried Out
The Partners will encourage clients (house owners) for whom the Company is carrying out works, to report any concern regarding an employee or employees, sub contractors working on behalf of the Company, who they suspect are committing an act of fraud against them.
The Partners will carry out the same procedures as outlined in the above procedures’ statement.
D Wood A Laycock
Partner Partner
Date 01 April 2018
Appendix K
Revision 0
Ethical Purchasing Policy
The Partners will strive to purchase goods which are produced and delivered under conditions which do not involve abuse or exploitation, and which have the least negative impact on the environment. These principals form the basis of Wood & Laycock Ethical Purchasing Policy.
Global trade means that many of the goods on sale in the United Kingdom have been produced by persons who experience dangerous or discriminatory working conditions.
The Partners when purchasing goods from companies within the UK and that it is known that such goods are produced and supplied from a global source, that the UK suppliers will have purchased the goods from global sources where:-
- Employment is freely chosen.
- Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected.
- Working conditions are safe and hygienic.
- There is no exploitation of children.
- Living wages are paid.
- Working hours are not excessive.
- No discrimination is practised.
- Regular employment is provided.
- No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed.
D Wood A Laycock
Partner Partner
Date 01 April 2018